Hosea 3:1—4:6 | Entire Sermon On Hosea (by Dr. J. Vernon McGee) | TTB.ORG

America Has Turned Against God, and God Has Turned Against America!










Recent Articles By David J. Stewart

Alcohol Statistics and Resources from MADD

"The man who votes for the saloon is pulling on the same rope with the devil, whether he knows it or not." —Billy Sunday

Founded in 1948, Alcoholics Victorious support groups offer a safe environment where recovering people who recognize Jesus Christ as their "Higher Power" gather together and share their experience, strength and hope.AV meetings use both the 12 Steps and the Alcoholics Victorious Creed

There is Hope!

"Your doctor never heard of anybody who got to be an alcoholic without taking the first drink." — Evangelist John R. Rice

Alcohol: The BIG LIE!

Jesus Didn't Make Booze!

Habakkuk 2:5, "Yea also, because he transgresseth by wine, he is a proud man..."

The Hypocrisy of Alcohol and Drug Laws

Marijuana is illegal in most of the world, while alcohol is legal, despite the fact that alcohol is a far more dangerous drug than marijuana in every way. People consider marijuana to be a dangerous drug, while they think of alcohol as being a fun beverage.

They consider those who sell marijuana to be drug dealers, the scourge of society who should be hunted down and imprisoned, while those who sell alcohol (wine makers, grocery stores) are viewed as respectable citizens.

Logically speaking, it should be the other way around. Alcohol tends to make many people aggressive, leading to a variety of violent crimes, while marijuana does not. Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, and leads to a serious loss of coordination and motor skills.

At larger doses, alcohol renders one completely unconscious. Drunk drivers cause enormous numbers of automobile accidents and deaths. Marijuana is not a central nervous system depressant, and while one probably shouldn't drive while intoxicated on anything, it simply does not cause anywhere near the loss of motor control that alcohol does, and is only a fraction as dangerous as alcohol in terms of driving. And, a large enough dose of alcohol can and will kill you, while the same is not true of marijuana.

But people are looking at this based on their feelings. Marijuana feels like a drug to them. It's illegal, isn't it? Alcohol feels like a fun beverage. It's legal, and socially acceptable, so it feels ok, so it must be ok. So the same cop who arrests someone for possessing Marijuana, can LEGALLY go home and get plastered on Jim Beam or Jack Daniel's alcohol. All of this is illogical and stupid, and typically human. It is tragic! The American people have proven themselves to be irresponsible when it comes to booze. Our sinful “get down and party” culture promotes boozing and drunkenness.

1st John 3:8, “...For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.”

“...and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.” —Proverb 20:1


Denise Wagoner didn't die in the above alcohol-related car accident, but probably wishes she had at the time. This is but one horrific tragedy, one of the millions of victims who DIDN'T die but will suffer for the rest of their lives because of beer.

Here's another tragic story

Alcohol Kills!

skelton.gif (13232 bytes)

Beer kills!

“Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.”  —Proverb 20:1

“I tell you that the curse of God Almighty is on the saloon.” Billy Sunday

Billy Sunday (1862-1935)

How to Go to Heaven

The Occult Roots of AA (Alcoholic's Anonymous)

Here's a Christian alternative to Alcoholics Anonymous...

Founded in 1948, Alcoholics Victorious support groups offer a safe environment where recovering people who recognize Jesus Christ as their "Higher Power" gather together and share their experience, strength and hope. AV meetings use both the 12 Steps and the Alcoholics Victorious Creed

There is Hope!

Beer is for fools!!! 

Watch Billy Sunday preach!

More Sermons by Billy Sunday | Anti-Saloon League Quitters!

Jesus and Wine (No, Jesus did NOT drink alcoholic wine!)

Hear Billy Sunday's "Booze Kills!" (MP3) | Hear Billy Sunday on Prohibition (MP3)

The Truth About Booze- part 1 | The Truth About Booze- part 2 (Pastor Jeff Owens)

The Salvation of a Nation (by Pastor Jack Hyles)


Jacqueline Saburido
(pictured above)

"Whiskey and beer are all right in their place, but their place is in Hell." —Billy Sunday

If you don't take the first drink,
       then you can't take the second!

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